Case Studies

Whether managing data for foster home placement, scaling and expanding online registries or saving employees time on data entry, we provide software solutions that help your organization serve your community more efficiently.

With over 20 years of experience developing innovative technology solutions for the health and human services industry, we identify issues with past or current technology, implement solutions that work right now and provide the long-term support to succeed in the future.

Read about a few of our custom software development projects to learn how Five Points could help your organization find the software solutions you’re seeking.

Select a logo below to learn more about each project.

Kansas Department for Children and Families

Kansas Department of CHildren and Families logo

Facilitating the matching of youth in foster care with eligible caregivers.

The Kansas Department for Children and Families released a request for proposals to obtain competitive responses from vendors to provide a foster care placement management system for youth in the custody of the secretary for out-of-home placement. The goal of this system was to provide recommendations for the best possible placement for a child removed from their parent/caregiver and, in addition, manage, track and analyze foster care placements.

The system was required to store data and information for the placement of children and youth brought into custody, as well as placement of data and information concerning every foster home, group home, residential center, relative placement and non-relative kinship placement associated with the State of Kansas Child Welfare System.

The placement management system required integrating with other State of Kansas data systems utilized in the child welfare system, including DCF FACTS (state SACWIS system) and SCRIPTS (financial application), as well as CLARIS (licensing and compliance software system).

During the implementation process, Five Points worked with members of the program office, Office of Information Technology Services, other state agencies and the State’s contracted child welfare agencies to understand business requirements, procedures and policies. This provided the information to ensure a proper system configuration and custom development needed for the CareMatch platform. Five Points was also responsible for assembling system documentation and facilitating a statewide training schedule for over 900 DCF and contracted staff.

Florida Department of Health / Office of Medical Marijuana Use

Florida Department of Health logo

Developing a statewide patient registry to help Florida residents.

Five Points Technology Group partners with the Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU) to develop, scale and expand the infrastructure and capabilities of the Medical Marijuana Use Registry (MMUR).

Five Points’ custom software development services experience with the MMUR demonstrates a hands-on technical understanding of application functionality, system integration, industry compliant data security controls and software application hosting in a state-of-the-art secure and hardened data center. Today, the MMUR system includes the addition of multiple enhancements and data connections to outside systems through timely and cost-effective project management and implementation practices.

By delivering true operational value and efficiencies to the OMMU, Five Points has implemented and supported an intuitive system with functionality relied on daily by physicians, law enforcement, dispensing organizations, patients and OMMU staff.

ACH Child and Family Services

Managing the child welfare system of care and local providers within the community.

For many years, Five Points has partnered with ACH to provide technology solutions, data integration services, information management consultation and, most recently, analytics solutions.

Five Points designed and developed what is now the Texas Provider Gateway, a complex integration project seamlessly serving critical data from the subcontracted provider network to the Texas lead agencies and DFPS. It promotes data integrity and reduces vital worker time that would otherwise be spent entering the same data points across multiple systems. Additionally, Five Points provides the core technology solution, CoBRIS, for Our Community Our Kids as the lead agency. 

Five Points and ACH are also partnering in the design and development of CBC Navigator, a cutting-edge analytics solution for all levels of management within a comprehensive child welfare organization.

Iowa Department of Health and Human Services

Iowa Department of Health and Human Services or IADHHS

Providing an electronic inpatient bed tracking system and matching and placement system for foster youth.

Since 2011, Five Points has been working withIowa Department of Health and Human Services (IADHHS) and its child welfare community partners to provide a software application to support foster youth placement, matching and provider management. In 2016, Five Points was also awarded a contract to provide an Electronic Inpatient Bed Tracking System.

Over the years, Five Points has partnered with IADHS and its many stakeholders to customize its “CareMatch” product, developing a strong working relationship that allows for open dialogue, opportunities for collaboration, responsive feedback from both parties and an intimate understanding of requirements needed to support the IADHS’ Child Welfare and Mental Health Programs.

Leveraging this cooperative partnership between IADHS and Five Points has resulted in the development of two software systems that drive operational efficiencies, improve service delivery and increase accountability for community partners and IADHS staff.

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New Software Solution

A comprehensive software solution for Texas CPAs and GROs who need to comply with the latest T3C rules